Sonic Frontiers leaked footage reveals Big the Cat fishing game

Big, who first appeared in Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast in 1999, has his fishing mini-game in the blue hedgehog’s next outing.

According to press reports, players can collect tokens in exchange for their fish catches, which can then be spent on various items such as Portal Gear fragments, voice diaries, Vault Keys or Amy’s heart collectible.

Mechanically, the fishing minigame in Sonic Frontiers is rhythm-based: by pressing the button as the ripples from the fish meet an outside ring, Sonic will hook his catch and reel it in with a rather intense close-up. Given that this particular part of the map is called the “Western Fishing Spot,” we expect to see Big appear a few times throughout Frontiers’ various stages and zones, presumably with different and harder-to-hook fish as the game goes on.

It won’t be long before players can explore that world. Sonic Frontiers’ release date is November 8 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. There are two different editions available for preorder, and there’s a whole batch of Sonic Frontiers merchandise being made too.

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